Erdi Balcı


Hello, my name is Erdi, I am 24 years old. I graduated from high school, industrial automation mechatronics department.

I worked in the technical service sector as an electrical and mechanical maintenance worker in hotels and factories for 4 years.

 Since hotels are usually seasonal, I do not have a place where I work for a long time,

              I usually stay in the places where I work, I am looking for a job that I can work in for a long time.


Skyline S Ship

Oiler Electrician

03.2024  07.2024 

Cenk Turkmen Ship

Oiler Electrician

08.2023   02.2024

Hasan Karadeniz Ship 


02.2023  06.2023

Grand Yazıcı Turban Hotel 

Electrical Maintenance Technician

03.2022 12.2022

Otay İletişim  

Technical Service Person

02.2022 03.2022 

Aria Claros Beach Spa Resort    

Chief Electrician

04.2021 01.2022 

Uğurlu Oto Cam  

Technical Service Person

08.2019 04.2021

Uğurlu Oto Cam 

Trainee Technician

09.2018 05.2019

Have questions?

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location: in turkey
